Olga Zaprovalna

MD, PhD, Doctor of Medical Science
2017                                                                     SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Doctor of Medical Sciences in specialty Cardiology. Thesis (Manuscript): Antiplatelet therapy in patients with ischemic heart disease: pathogenetic aspects, risks and diagnostic-therapeutic strategy.

2003                                                                     SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Senior Research Scientist

1998                                                                     Kharkiv National Medical University
PhD of Medical Sciences in specialty Cardiology.
Thesis: Influence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on hemostasis of patients with ischemic heart disease

1995-1998                                                             SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Postgraduate studies

1981-1987                                                             Kharkiv National Medical University
MD, major in General Medicine

Research experience
1998 – 2018 A new solution of the modern cardiology problem: a strategy to predict the risk of unfavorable outcomes of ischemic heart disease is developed and new approaches are proposed to select the most effective and safe antiplatelet therapy regime in stable forms of ischemic heart disease on the basis of the study of the relationship between the features of the disease and the parameters of atherothrombotic complications morphofunctional characteristics of platelets functional state and their morphology, clinical and demographic, metabolic and genetic factors). The influence of such pathogenetic factors of ischemic heart disease (dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction, immune-activating activity, oxidative stress) on the morphofunctional characteristics of platelets during prolonged intake of antiaggregant therapy has been investigated. A new personalized approach to prescribing antiplatelet therapy based on cardiovascular risk factors has been developed.
2019-present Proposed an exploratory research project: "Impact of cardiovascular risk factors on premature aging." Since then, vascular aging markers and the development of preventive and therapeutic measures to decrease temps of premature aging have become the focus of scientific interest
Previous Appointments
2019-present                                                      SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Leading researcher of the Department of the Study of the Aging Processes and Prevention of Metabolic-Associated Diseases

1999 – 2019                                                        SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Senior Researcher, Department of Atherosclerosis and Ischemic Heart Disease
1998-1999                                                           SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Researcher, Department of Atherosclerosis and Ischemic Heart Disease
1995-1998                                                           SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU"
Fellowship in Cardiology
1994-1995                                                           Kharkiv National Medical University
Cardiologist of Emergence Coronary Care Department
1989-1994                                                           Kharkiv Hospital of Emergency Care, Ukraine
Cardiologist of Coronary Care Department
1987-1989                                                           Kharkiv Hospital of Emergency Care, Ukraine
Resident of Internal Medicine
Professional Training
1988, 1995, 2015, 2020                                        Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate
Qualification: Therapeutist                                    Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
1998, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2018,                              Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate

2020                                                                   Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Qualification: Cardiologist
International and domestic conferences, symposia, etc.:

the 24th International Congress on Thrombosis (2016); International Congresses of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (2019, 2020), 18th Annual World Congress Insulin Resistance, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease (2020), European Atherosclerosis Society Congress (2020 – 2022), ESC Preventive Cardiology Congresses  (2020, 2021), annual national congresses of cardiologists of Ukraine.

Member of the Ukrainian Association of Preventive Medicine, member of the European Society of Cardiology, member of the European Atherosclerosis Society, member of the International Society for Preventive Cardiology, member of European and Mediterranean League against Thromboembolic Diseases, member of European Geriatric Medicine Society.

Author of more than 230 publications, including 13 inventions, a manual, textbooks.

Was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation of the Kharkov Regional Council (2002, 2013), a Certificate of Appreciation of the district administration of the Kharkiv City Council (2007), a Certificate of Appreciation from the Department of Health of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2019), Certificates of Appreciation of the administration institute for long-term conscientious work, high professionalism, personal contribution to the development of medical science and domestic medicine and highly qualified medical care to the community (2009, 2016, 2018, 2019).
Address: SI "L.T. Mala NIT NAMSU", 2a, Lubovi Maloy av., Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine
Phone: +38 057 373 90 47.
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.