
L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(L.T.Malaya NIT NAMSU)

(057) 373-90-00         (057) 373-90-50


Clinic of Government Institution «L. T. Malaya Therapy National Institute  of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»

Head of the Clinic – Chief Doctor, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Candidate of Medical Sciences – Tveretinov Oleksandr Borysovych.


The Clinic of the Government Institution «L. T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» is a scientific and practical structural unit where scientific research is carried out, new methods of diagnostics, treatment, prevention of diseases of internal organs are developed and implemented, and highly qualified specialized medical care is provided to profile patients.

The clinic of the Institute has all the necessary certificates and licenses from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the fulfillment of its tasks and functions (license for medical practice, license for nuclear and radiation safety of the State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine, license for the purchase, storage, transportation, destruction, use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors etc.).

The Clinic consists of clinical departments designed for 210 beds: the Department of Reanimation and Intensive Care, the Department of Ischemic Heart Disease, the Department of Gastroenterology and Therapy, the Department of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, the Clinical and Diagnostic Therapeutic Department, the Consultation Polyclinic, the Physiotherapy Department (which has cabinets for light therapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, physical therapy and massage).

The Consultation Polyclinic is designed for 350 visits per day. More than 50 thousand people from different regions of Ukraine consult annually in the Consultation Polyclinic, of which more than 5 thousand patients undergo a course of inpatient examination, treatment and rehabilitation.

The structure of the clinic includes diagnostic units: the Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics, Radiological Department, computer tomography room, endoscopy cabinet, probe cabinet; units of laboratory and experimental research: Pathomorphological Department, Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory with Bacteriological Department; organizational units: the Department of Organization and Methodics, Information and Analytics, metrological service, Department of Medical Statistics, archive.

Subdivisions of general medical support: reception office, central sterilization department; general hospital staff, clinical pharmacist, epidemiologist, head nurse, medical nurse for dietary nutrition, pharmacist.

The Clinic is the basis for the research of the Institute, as well as the basis for the preparation of postgraduate students, clinical interns according to the profile of the Institute.

The Clinic carries out all kinds of medical-diagnostic, consultative and preventive medical service to the population of Ukraine in accordance with the main directions of activity and the plan of research work of the institute.

The Clinic provides highly specialized medical care to individuals sent to the Institute for the resolution of expert questions for the diagnosis and treatment of patients who are members of the surveillance group.

The activities of the Clinic are regulated by the laws of Ukraine, the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Statute of the Institute, orders and statements of the director of the Institute, the decisions of the Academic Council.

On the basis of the Clinic, the development, approvement and implementation of instructional, methodological, and informative materials are carried out in accordance with the general directions of the Institute's activities.

The Clinic develops and maintains a register (registers) of the according contingents of the patients being treated.

The Clinic provides organizational and methodical assistance to medical institutions of the territorial, regional and national levels on the treatment of patients with a therapeutic profile.

Indications for direction of patients for consultation to the Government Institution «L. T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»:

  • • Diseases of internal organs - of cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, kidneys, connective tissue, digestion system and liver and the presence of comorbidity of internal organs;
  • • The impossibility of establishing a diagnosis of an internal organs disease in a health care institution at the place of residence;
  • • A need in medical and diagnostic measures that can not be performed at health facilities at the place of residence;
  • • Patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease developing;
  • • The presence of a comorbid pathology of internal organs.

Contraindications for direction of patients for consultation to the Government Institution «L. T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»:

  • • infectious diseases;
  • • acute conditions requiring urgent specialized care in a surgical hospital;
  • • active tuberculosis;
  • • cancer diseases in the terminal stage;
  • • mental illness;
  • • blood diseases;
  • • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • • heart failure of the 3rd stage;
  • • respiratory failure of the 3rd stage;
  • • acute renal failure;
  • • chronic renal failure in the terminal stage;
  • • patients who need a third-party care.

The order of planned direction of patients

A planned direction for consultation to the Government Institution «L. T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» requires a processing of the following documentation by a doctor from a health care institution at the place of residence:

  • • referral for consultation with indication of the purpose of the consultation;
  • • an extract from the medical record of an outpatient (inpatient) patient (form 027/o, showing the diagnosis (preliminary diagnosis), the results of the performed treatment and examination.

Patients must have a passport with them.

A list of surveys that are mandatory for all categories of patients
who are referred for consultation:

  • • general analyses of blood and urine;
  • • serological examination of blood for syphilis;
  • • analysis of feces on worms eggs;
  • • fluorography of the chest organs;
  • • electrocardiography;
  • • an overview of a gynecologist (for female patients), an urologist (for men).

Hospitalization of planned patients to the departments of the Clinic of the Institute of the corresponding profile and according to the research topics of the Institute

For the hospitalization of planned patients who require dynamic monitoring in order to establish a reliable diagnosis and conduct a differentiated selection of therapies taking into account the pharmacological and genetic profile of patients in a hospital environment, the Selection Committee works every day. Hospitalization is performed after examination of patients, conducting of the necessary examination in the Consultative Polyclinic and in the presence of indications for inpatient treatment.

The list of possible examinations for patients directed to the Government Institution «L. T. Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» is determined by the standards and unified clinical protocols approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine according to the International Classification of Diseases.

At hospitalization, an advantage is given to patients who correspond to the scientific topics of the Institute, namely:

  • •arterial hypertension in patients with metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and in combination with hyperuricemia;
  • •symptomatic arterial hypertension;
  • •heart failure in combination with type 2 diabetes;
  • •chronic pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis in combination with cardiovascular diseases;
  • •damage to the pancreas and liver in metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension, obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • •toxic medicinal lesions of the liver;
  • •esophageal and extravascular manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • •ischemic heart disease in women during menopause;
  • •ischemic heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • •chronic non-infectious diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system in combination with cardiovascular pathology, including the presence of obstructive sleep apnea;
  • •diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract and liver in pregnant women;
  • •management of patients after interventions on a coronary arteries (aorta-coronary bypass and percutaneous angioplasty).

Following own approaches to an early diagnosis of internal organs diseases have been developed:

  • •determination of genotypes (and their polymorphism) of receptors to adiponectin and other adipocyte-derived hormones in fatty liver disease;
  • •determination of polymorphism of genes in hypertonic disease and differentiated treatment taking into account the pharmacological and genetic profile of patients;
  • •studying the polymorphism of genes in coronary heart disease for the selection of antiplatelet therapy and the detection of genetic resistance to antiplatelet agents;
  • •studying the characteristics of the course of heart failure.

The highly qualified doctors are working in the Clinic of the Institute, most of whom have a scientific degree and a higher qualification category.

In the Consultation Polyclinic professors, Doctors and Candidates of Medical Sciences, physicians of the first and highest category in 11 specialties, including: Therapy, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Neurology, Endocrinology, Otolaryngology, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, Dentistry are conducting the consultations. In the Consultation Polyclinic patients undergo all the necessary methods of examination: electrocardiography, Holter monitoring of electrocardiograms, daily blood pressure monitoring, loading tests – bicycle ergometry and treadmill, X-ray, ultrasound examination, endoscopy, colonoscopy, densitometry, computed tomography, spirometry etc.

All studies in the Consultation Polyclinic of the Institute are conducted in accordance with the standards and unified clinical protocols approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases.

All researches are carried out on modern highly-informative equipment, namely:

- the system of the tomographic computer HI Speed CT / e Dual (China) with the laser visualization system DRYVIEM 5700 Kodac,

- the video gastroscope Olympus GІF V70, the video gastroscope EG-290Kp, the video-endoscopic system V-70, video colonoscopy EU-380LKp (Japan),

- the endoscopic video system Fujinon (Japan),

- the X-ray diagnostic apparatus Siemens Iconos 100 (Germany),

- the SONEUS P7 ultrasound scanning system, ultrasound diagnostic system with Doppler LOGIQ 5 (USA),

- the ultrasound apparatus TOSHIBA APLIO 500 (Japan),

- the Ultima PA digital ultrasound scanners, the ultrasound scanner with color ultrasound, the ultrasound diagnostic system Vivid-3 (USA),

- the ultrasound diagnostic system Vivid-3 (Ukraine),

- an ultrasound diagnostic DC-N 3 device

- the system of daily monitoring of ECG Philips (Netherlands),

- the 6-channel electrocardiograph with spirometry unit BTL-08MD6 (Czech Republic),

- a diagnostic automatic cardio complex + with a Kettle X1 bicycle ergometer (Ukraine) etc.

The laboratories of the Institute are equipped with the most modern instruments:

- the analyzer biochemical automatic HumaStar 200 (Germany),

- the biochemical analyzer HUMAIAYZER 2000 (Germany),

- the semiautomatic biochemical analyzer VTS-350 (Spain),

- the analyzer of the electrolytes SINO-005 (PRC),

- the photometers SLIM (SEAC-RADIM, Italy),

- the immunoenzyme analyzer Humareader (Germany),

- the urine albumin analyzer Hemo Cue Albumin 201 (Sweden)

- the hematologic analyzer Mythic18 (Switzerland).

- the hemocoagulometer Humaclot Junior (Human, Germany),

- the direct binocular microscope NIKON EKLIPSE E100 (Japan),

- the laboratory microscopes of the following series: MS-50 (Micros, Austria),

- the biological microscope XSP-128 M (China),

- trinocular microscope with digital video system (Micros, Austria) and software for cell morphology studying, computers FIATRON f 700p and LG,

- dosers Biohit, Lenpipet, Granum etc.

Since the Institute's foundation, there is the Department of Reanimation and Intensive Care. Specialization of the department is: the treatment of patients with urgent therapeutic conditions – acute coronary syndrome, acute heart failure (cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema, thromboembolism of pulmonary artery), decompensation of chronic heart failure, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, severe arterial hypertension, severe forms of chronic renal failure, decompensated liver cirrhosis etc.

The Department provides round-the-clock bedside watching by the brigade of doctors and other medical staff, many of which have a degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, a the highest qualification category in anesthesiology and reanimatology, cardiology, which guarantees reliable monitoring of the patient's health, highly skilled specialized medical care in urgent conditions.

The Department is equipped with modern devices for patients monitoring, namely:

- lung fan NBP 740 Zilberman,


- syringe pump -610 INFUTEC,

- central information station CI for 5 monitors Marquet-Haïlige,

- defibrillator - Nichon monitor Kohden,

- electrocardiographs: Heart Screen 80 Gl 12 Channel and Heart Screen 60-G,

- pacemaker EKS-Setal-1B,

- automatic central oxygen and Bohrer supply station,

- operating lamp FastrakBurton,

- patient monitor Dash 3000 13453 Marquet-Haïlige,

- recording device PRN-502 channel Marquet-Haïlige,

- ultrasound diagnostic device,

- monitor of urgent states Mennen (USA),

- defibrillator DCI-N-15st,

- apparatus for plasmapheresis Hemofenix,

- resuscitation suitcase ULM CASE III,

- laboratory kits for the determination of troponin, MB-creatine phosphokinase, brain natriuretic peptide,

- infusion pump SN-1500 (Heaco),

- electrocardiography unit 600G (Heaco),

- infusion Pumps SN-1500HR,

- device for artificial ventilation of lungs Savina 300 Drager Medical CmbH (Germany),

- oxygen concentrators for medical use M50,

- non-invasive lungs ventilation device VENTImotion 2 intelligent ST with oxygen module VENTI-02 plus,

- humidifier VENTIclick,

- external battery VENTIpower (WM 27850),

- hospital device for invasive and non-invasive ventilation of the lungs VENTIlogic LS (WM 27750).

L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


(057) 373-90-50
(057) 373-90-67


2 а, Lyubovi Maloy ave., c. Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine