L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(L.T.Malaya NIT NAMSU)
(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50

(057) 373-90-00 (057) 373-90-50
Head of the Laboratory
Zorenko Nataliia Volodymyrivna tel. +38 (057) 373-90-83
Buhaiets Oksana Vasylivna tel. +38 (057) 373-90-83
Myronenko Mariia Viktorivna tel. +38 (057) 373-90-83
Tsyhenko Olena Volodymyrivna tel. +38 (057) 373-90-83
Bielikov Viktor Borysovych tel. +38 (057) 373-90-70
Trybushkina Iryna Mykolaivna tel. +38 (057) 373-90-83
Head of the Laboratory
Zorenko Nataliia Volodymyrivna
Education: higher, graduated from Kharkiv Medical Institute by the speciality of "Medical Prophylaxis" in 1992 and V. N. Karazin Kharkiv State University, Faculty of Biology, in 2007.
List of medical specialities: "Clinical laboratory diagnostics", "Clinical biochemistry", biologist-teacher.
Qualification category: the highest by the specialty of "Clinical laboratory diagnostics", a certificate by the specialty of "Clinical biochemistry".
Scientific degree, academic status:
Position: Head of the Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory
Clinical experience: 26 years
Post-graduate education: internship by the specialty of "Epidemiology"; courses for the thematic advanced training in "Cytological and general clinical laboratory research", "Laboratory diagnostics of malaria and other parasitic diseases", "Quality assurance in laboratory medicine", "Hospital information systems as the basis of electronic health care", internship in immunohematology, pre-attestation courses on the basis of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education by the specialty of "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" every 5 years.
Main directions of practice: laboratory researches for ambulatory and inpatient patients – general clinical, hematological, biochemical, coagulogical, immunological, serological, cytological, bacteriological methods of investigation. Methods of express-diagnosis are also used in the work.
Buhaiets Oksana Vasylivna
Education: higher, graduated from Kharkiv State Medical University by the specialty of "General Medicine" in 2004.
List of medical specialities: "Clinical laboratory diagnostics"
Qualification category: the first by the specialty of "Clinical laboratory diagnostics".
Position: Doctor-laborant of clinical and diagnostic laboratory
Clinical experience: 8 years
Post-graduate education: internship by the specialty of "Clinical laboratory diagnostics", pre-attestation courses in "Clinical laboratory diagnostics", courses for the thematic advanced training in "Internship on immunohematology (determination of blood groups by ABO and Rhesus systems), courses for the thematic advanced training in "Laboratory diagnosis of malaria and other parasitic diseases "on the basis of the Kharkov Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education.
Main directions of practice: general clinical, serological research for ambulatory and inpatient patients.
Myronenko Mariia Viktorivna
Education: higher, graduated from the National Pharmaceutical University by the speciality of "Laboratory diagnostics" in 2014.
List of medical specialities: "Clinical laboratory diagnostics"
Qualification category: Certificate by the speciality of "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics".
Position: doctor-laborant of clinical and diagnostic laboratory
Clinical experience: 4 years
Post-graduate education: internship by the specialty of "Clinical laboratory diagnostics", courses for the thematic advanced training "Laboratory diagnostics of malaria and other parasitic diseases", courses for the thematic advanced training "Internship on immunohematology (determination of blood groups based on ABO and Rhesus systems") on the basis of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education.
Main directions of practice: general clinical, biochemical and serological investigations for ambulatory and inpatient patients.
Tsyhenko Olena Volodymyrivna
Education: higher, graduated from Kharkiv State University by the specialty of "Biology" in 1990.
List of medical specialities: "Clinical laboratory diagnostics"
Qualification category: the highest by the specialty of "Clinical laboratory diagnostics".
Position: biologist of Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory
Clinical experience: 28 years
Post-graduate education: Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, specialization of "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, courses for the thematic advanced training "Cytological and General Clinical Laboratory Research ", pre-attestation courses "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics ", courses for the thematic advanced training "Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases ", courses for the thematic advanced training " Internship on Immunohymatology (definition of blood groups for ABO and Rhesus systems), pre-attestation courses "Clinical laboratory diagnostics".
Main directions of practice: general clinical, biochemical and serological investigations for ambulatory and inpatient patients.
Bielikov Viktor Borysovych
Education: Higher, graduated from Kharkiv Medical Institute, Faculty of Sanitary and Hygiene by the specialty of "Hygiene, Sanitation, Epidemiology", received the qualification of a doctor-epidemiologist in 1983.
List of medical specialities: bacteriology.
Qualification category: the highest by the specialty of "Bacteriology".
Position: Doctor-bacteriologist
Clinical experience: 35 years
Post-graduate education: Kharkiv Institute of Advanced Training for Doctors, the specialization of "Bacteriology", pre-attestation courses in "Bacteriology"
Main directions of practice: bacteriological studies for ambulatory and patients from inpatient departments: for flora spectrum and antibiotic sensitivity, dysbiosis, enterobacteria, staphylococci, serologic reaction to typhus, sterility studies; air study, culture medium testing, sterility of laboratory utensils, contamination of desifection substances.
Trybushkina Iryna Mykolaivna
Education: higher, graduated with honors from V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University by the specialty of "Biochemistry", got qualification of the master of biochemistry, a teacher in 2011.
List of medical specialities: "Biochemistry"
Qualification category: first by the specialty of "Clinical biochemistry"
Position: biochemist of Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory
Clinical experience: 7 years
Post-graduate education: Kharkiv Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, specialization by the specialty of "Clinical Biochemistry", pre-attestation courses in "Clinical Biochemistry", pre-attestation courses in "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics", courses for the thematic advanced training "Modern Technologies and Quality Assurance in Laboratory Medicine", TU "Chromatographic Methods in Analytical Toxicology", TU " Hospital systems as the basis of e-health »
Main directions of practice: biochemical and immunological studies for ambulatory and inpatient patients.
L.T.Malaya Therapy National Institute of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
(057) 373-90-50
(057) 373-90-67
2 а, Lyubovi Maloy ave., c. Kharkiv, 61039, Ukraine